Sunday, March 16, 2008

Dinner With the Kids

Dinner when Mr. Magoo and I were dating, was a quick trip. If we wanted the dinner to last a long time, we would max out at about 1 hour. I'm not exactly sure how we both got to be quick eaters, but I think I'm going to blame this on my middle and high school years when we didn't have much time to eat. It was go in stuff your face and head to the next class.

Anyway- now sitting down with the kids always takes forever and is quite an experience. There is never a dull moment, as you never know what incidents might happen in this small span of time.

Saturday, March 15, 2008


Hi everyone! (if anyone still reads this- LOL)

The Magoos are all doing well and are alive! Mr. Magoo has been traveling a lot to California lately, which is why I have had no time to write. He is settled for a long while now, so that will be nice.

We have had gymnastics start since I last posted. The girls are really loving it. Chicky Magoo 1 is getting her cartwheel down! She is very proud of herself. Chicky Magoo 2 has the bridge really well too. I don't know if any of you have tried either one of these but I did. Wow! Chicky Magoo 1 told me (and she is totally right) that my cartwheel was "kind of ugly". Then they wanted me to try to do a bridge. I thought, well I could at least try. Well- apparently I am not at ALL able to do this. Now it has become my personal goal to gain some arm strength so I can do a bridge. If you are wanting a good laugh, I challenge you to do this too. Good luck!