Friday, March 3, 2006


Last night I put away a new batch of diapers. As I was opening them I saw something that was an expiration date?!? What? Why would diapers expire? Even more strange is that it expired 12/06, which isn't even a year after they were purchased? If anyone can rationally explain this, they win a prize. All other comments will receive honorable mention.

My camera has no battery, so this is from my camera phone, but I bet you can't even tell the difference in quality. Ha Ha!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

FDA might mandate an actual expiration date for "healthcare products" for effectiveness reasons.

Personally, I think it's a way of saying - if your child is wearing these diapers over a year after you bought them, then perhaps you have failed as a parent and not been able to properly toilet train them.