Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Thank God You're Here!

I don't know if any of you got a chance to watch the new show "Thank God Your Here," but it is hilarious! Mr. Magoo and I watched it last night on Tivo, and it was great. It is sort of a "Whose Line is it Anyway" style. They take actors (such as Seinfeld's Newman) and make them dress up. Then they walk through a door into a scene where they have no idea what is going on and a man says "Thank God Your Here..." From that point they improvise as best they can, until they hear the buzzer. The series, apparently like all good series, didn't originate here. We got it from Australia, where they have been running it for 2 years.

Check out Part 5 if you want some laughs!


Anonymous said...

We watched part of it too....sooooo funny!

Anonymous said...

We watched it too, it was hilarious!! I always liked who's line but I think I've seen them all....Good Stuff!