Wednesday, June 27, 2007

"Chicky Magoo 2 Speak"

As we were getting in the car yesterday, Chicky Magoo 2 was being particularly slow. I told her to hurry up and get in her carseat. She said "Mommy, I can't hurry up. I have swimming eye." I asked her what swimming eye was. She said "It is when you are whilly tired!"


Anonymous said...

Gotta love the swimming eye.....

Anonymous said...

HI I just found your BLOG while searching for MAX and RUBY Bday Party supplies. I have a Almost two year old WHO LOVES MAX AND RUBY. Its really cute since we are now adopting her a baby brother I think she thinks she is Ruby and he is MAX...Did you find anthing at all for the party. How did you make your bunny cake. You can email me at

Thank you so much
Candy and Kya Blu