Friday, July 6, 2007

Random Act of Kindness

Today I took the girls to Chicago's Pizza for dinner. I was going to make spaghetti, but they talked me into going out. (okay it didn't take a WHOLE lot of convincing) While we were there the girls were watching the pizza being made and I went over to stand by them. Then our pizza came and we ate at our table. As we were finishing up this older gentlemen came over to us and put down 2 mints and said "Have a nice dinner!" When you pay your bill at the restaurant, they give you mints, and I figured that he didn't want the mints and just saw the girls and thought he would give it to them and make them smile. I said thank you, and he walked away. About a minute later the waitress came over and asked me if I had seen the couple sitting at the table? I said no I didn't, thinking she was going to say he skipped out on the bill, or that we shouldn't have eaten the candy we just got or something strange. She said "Well- he just paid for your meal!" I said "What?" and she just smiled and said "I asked them if they knew you and they said no, but that is pretty cool!" That is what I thought!! I still have no idea why he bought my dinner, but I thought it was a cool thing to do for someone. It certainly made my evening..........and gave me a blog post!!!
I just wanted to post a shout out to the older couple in Chicago's Pizza tonight!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

They were probably very impressed with the fantastic behavior of the girls OR he got his wish from the great work you did with the "Never Too Late" Organization.
In any case, what a nice couple.