Friday, July 27, 2007

Something the Kids Won't Ever Get

My parents were getting ready for a garage sale, when my Mom found an old phone. She gave it to the kids to play with for a while while we were busy doing the pricing and arranging of other items. Later we found them "using" the phone. They were both really excited about the phone and thought it was really the coolest one they had seen. They both thought it was some sort of dual phone, where everyone got to talk, but didn't know why they were "stuck" together. It never occurred to me that they had never used a phone like this one before. . This is when I realized that 1), yes, I am growing older, and 2) my kids would not really get joy of having to stay in one place while talking... technology that we used "back in the day."
As my Mom would say "Heavy sigh."


Anonymous said...

Yes, it is difficult to remember all the things we accepted as normal that seem so obscure now! That phone was funny -- it is the one that you can see all the wires, etc. through the clear plastic outside. Funny, funny! (Heavy sigh!)

Anonymous said...

It occurred to me the other day that my kids probably had no idea why it's called "dialing" the phone. Indeed, Jessica had no idea. So I explained it to her. They may never see a phone with a dial.


Anonymous said...

Looks like a great EBay item. The kids could make millions with this ANTIQUE.