Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Ash Wednesday....Chicky Magoo 2 is not a Fan!

This morning, we went to Church for Ash Wednesday. I remember being a kid and thinking how strange the ashes were, and wondering why some people had them and others did not. Chicky Magoo 2 is no exception.

For the kids Mass today, Father and the teachers put the ashes on the children's heads and were there to also put ashes on anyone else in the congregation that wanted them. I told Chicky Magoo 2 that we were going up and what they would do. She was not in the mood apparently, because on our walk up to Father, she had covered her face, including forehead. I thought to ease her tension I would head to Chicky Magoo 1's teacher (which Chicky Magoo 2 knows pretty well). Chicky Magoo 2 walked up and STILL would not take her hands off her head. I stood behind her holding her hands out, while Mrs. Schulz knelt down and made a cross on her forehead.

After returning to my seat I realized that, okay, so maybe this is a scary thing. I hadn't thought of it before, but it could be a tad intimidating. You walk up, Mommy says they are putting ashes on you (which the only association you have for ashes is that they are in fire, and you have been told fire is hot). Then they say "Remember you are dust, and to dust you shall return." Okay, okay. Maybe Chicky Magoo 2 was right to be a little frightened by the process. (And of course as soon as we got to our seats, she wiped it right off. She has also taken a few swipes at mine throughout the day!)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We can still get her bat mitzvah'd in the future, fyi.