Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Why is Diet Coke SO Special?

Warning: This post could cause controversy!
(yes, Diane, this is for you!)

To my friends who drink Diet Coke:
Why must you always refer to what you drink with it's full name?
People abbreviate things all of the time! Do we not say TV to mean television, Mom instead of Mother, bike instead of bicycle? When I say "Doesn't a Coke sound good?" why must people who drink Diet Coke correct me and respond with "Well a Diet Coke sounds good." Really?? Do we have to make this distinction?!? No one says "Well a Diet Caffeine Free Coke sounds good!" And why? Probably because that would be stupid. :P

I don't get the obsession with this drink. And by saying this I'm not saying that people can't like the drink, or that I don't understand that they like it A LOT! I enjoy my drink, you enjoy yours. No problem. I just don't get the reason that people make such a big deal about drinking it. To me this is like if I said "I love burgers!" and then someone else saying "Well I love 99% fat free burgers!" Do we need to make a distinction on the % of fat and calories for foods that we like? Do we need to call attention that in some instances you enjoy conserving your calories for other items during the day? I seriously think I'm missing something....

I guess it's a Diet Coke thing. I wouldn't understand.


Anonymous said...

Wow, After that blog, I am quite thirsty and could really could go for a DIET coke from McDonalds...they ARE the best:)

Anonymous said...

That's funny....when people say that they could really go for a Diet Coke, I always say, "Really? I don't like Diet Coke...or any diet drinks. I only like the regular stuff." Maybe the Diet Coke drinkers think I'm weird!!

Anonymous said...

Can no one else taste the chemicals that make the DIET Coke DIET in the first place? The aftertaste lasts for hours and it's really nasty. Perhaps this is another supertaster thing... hmm...

Anonymous said...

Well, Coke is TOO sweet (and Pepsi makes me ill) So, I just say Diet. Actually, I just say, "Manhattan, please." Haha!