Monday, April 3, 2006

Just Another Day in Indiana

Last night we had friends in from out of town. We had just gotten back from dinner, when the severe weather sirens went off. We all started turning on tvs, computers, and of course going outside! The guys had to check out what was going on. It was a tornado warning in our county, but not right by us. There were lots of tornados popping up here and there, so- for the next hour or so we watched television to make sure the weather had passed.

Then- a man named Jeremy Brilliant came on! He was reporting LIVE from the zoo in Indianapolis, where a large pine tree had been ripped from the ground, roots and all! He reported "From my experience, I would say this was caused by strong winds..." Thanks Mr. Brilliant! What else would have knocked a 150 year old healthy tree down during a storm!

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