Saturday, August 5, 2006

This Post Will Be About Shark Week And Movie Titles That Stink

This week I have been glued to Shark Week. It was good, but again, there were so many rerun programs that I had seen a good portion of the shows. I'm not sure why they don't have new programs. It baffles me that they know enough to realize that people are interested in sharks, that they dedicate a whole week to it. They just don't go to the effort of actually making any new programming. Does anyone else find this strange?

My disappointment in Shark Week started about 3 or 4 years ago, when apparently, they decided enough research was done on sharks, and they only showed the old programs we had seen. I remember that year being awful, and having absolutely NO new programming. In fact, they used basically the same stuff as they year before! It has slowly gotten better, but still has some improvements to make, as far as I'm concerned.

There are so many research and conservation projects going on that they could be filming! There was no mention of Monterey Bay Aquarium holding a great white shark for longer than anyone else. Or the Georgia Aquarium, that has the giant whale sharks. Surely this produced some information that they didn't have before. Now that I think of it, maybe they should have consulted me before they figured out what they were putting on! :)

In other news, while watching Shark Week I saw a preview for a movie that has probably the worst movie title in at LEAST recent history! Snakes on a Plane. Could this title be anymore lame? At least you know what you are in for when you buy your ticket! Here is a rundown of the clip if you haven't seen it yet...Samuel L. Jackson tries his best to act like there are really snakes around him. Then they cut to an extremely crappy computer generation of a large snake trying to bite anything in it's patch. Please! I don't know much about snakes, but I'm guessing that planes don't make them as mad as the clip makes it out to be. Maybe they all have a fear of flying? Or maybe they didn't like Samuel L. Jackson's previous work? Who knows!?! All I know is that they should have thought a little harder about the title, so that they don't leave the audience in laughter, when they are going for fear!

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