Friday, August 4, 2006

Kindergarten and Other Events

Well- only one more week, and Chicky Magoo 1 starts Kindergarten. The summer had been smooth until Chicky Magoo 1 realized that she would be going to Kindergarten. She was excited about it until we went to the school a few times. I think at that point she realized that it was a new place, and Mrs. Probst (her Preschool teacher) wouldn't be teaching her this year. The past few nights she hasn't slept well, so during the day she is really tired.

The school is hosting a spaghetti dinner Saturday, so that the kids can all meet each other. I think that will be a blessing to have that. At least then she will know people her first day of school.

Ok- did I mention the school uniforms? The are SO cute! We went shopping the other day for them, and she got to try her outfit on. She looked adorable, if I do say so myself! :) She was excited about the whole thing, until she tried on the casual outfit. That is khaki pants and a white shirt. She came out of the dressing room and said "I look like a boy!" Needless to say, I'm guessing we won't be in the casual outfit much!

In other events, I have been back on the treadmill. With Mr. Magoo working out, I had to get back on. I had actually passed him up on the race to be a couch potato! After realizing that, I figured it was time! :)

Knowledge of Ms. Magoo (tm)
Favorite Show: Shark Week (I can't get enough! I think I'll do a whole post about this sometime)
Contests: I am actually entering a photo into a contest. We will see what happens.
On My Mind Lately: What is going on inside a 2 year olds head?

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