Thursday, August 24, 2006

Would You Like Another Breadstick?

What is it about Fazoli's breadsticks that I can't seem to resist? When we first lived in Indy, after we got married I would go to Fazoli's ALL of the time! Now I seem to not go as often, which makes their breadsticks taste even yummier than I remembered them being! (Is yummier a word?)

Anyway- Becky, a friend of mine, and I would go there QUITE often back in the day, and eat our hearts out. We wouldn't do much talking, except to say things like "These things are awesome!" or "I LOVE their breadsticks!" I'm not sure if it is because they are free, or that they are soaking with butter and garlic, or that they are cooked only to the point of just being done and not hard at ALL that is so appealing to me. I'm guessing it is a combination of all of those things.

After a while though, Becky decided to go on Atkins, which, let me tell you...Fazoli's isn't nearly as appealing when you are not allowed to consume bread!! :) So after a time, we quit going. It wasn't until recently that I went their for the first time in about 5 1/2 years! It was DELICIOUS! Ok- well the BREADSTICKS were delicious, who knows about the other food I had. I wasn't much paying attention to it. So since I have sort of rediscovered it, we have gone there several times recently.

I used to think the Olive Garden had the best breadsticks, but then I tried Fazzoli's!!!


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

They really DO taste better when you can't have them!!