Thursday, November 16, 2006

Furniture and other things...

Most of our furniture is going to be delivered tomorrow morning. Yea! This sounds like a great thing, except for one small detail. This means that the dreaded project of moving Mr. Magoo's office out to get the furniture in, is here. Oh no! For those of you who are familiar with what a "Magoo office" can look like, you know what I'm talking about. For those of you who don't, think Clean Sweep projects!

I will be glad to get the furniture project into it's final stages though. It will be nice to have a place to sit downstairs and look at the fish-tank, and relax. The upstairs will be done enough that we don't have to touch it for a while! Mr. Magoo I'm sure will be happy to finally have his office in some sort of working order. He has been good to be able to work off of Walmart tables and consider it an "office" for as long as he did. I guess he felt like he was in a start-up once again. It does give you that feel....believe me!

Today is going to be a day of "moving" of sorts. Tomorrow Dale is coming with a crew I think. We are getting the furniture so those guys will be here, he and his partner are going to be here arranging the decorating, and we are getting new windows too. It should be quite a photo op! I'll be sure to post up pictures! Okay- that is if Mr. Magoo can get the network up and running again after this move! I can only hope.....


Anonymous said...

Sounds like a full weekend. Good Luck..Send picks when completed.

Anonymous said...

Well, is it done yet?????
Can't wait to see it.

Anonymous said...

Fun! I can't wait to see what you guys picked out!!