Wednesday, November 8, 2006

What is Wrong With People??

I have had several incidents in the last few days that just makes me ask the question, WHAT IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE???
Here are a few examples:
1- We bought about 6 lights from this lighting company here. One is a ceiling light, and has to be installed. We paid about $65 or $70 bucks for installation. We asked what they do, and at the time they said "Everything but electrical wiring" So- the guys came out and told us that they couldn't put up the light because our box was plastic and we needed metal. Okay- so the box didn't SEEM like electrical wiring, so of course I assumed they would fix that and we would pay for the metal box. NO- they had to reschedule after Mr. Magoo got the box in. Mr. Magoo gets the box in, but didn't secure it to the joist (long story, but to shorten it, Home Depot wasn't opened when he got to that point!). Today they come back and say "oh we can even touch that. We have a limited license and he should have secured it." Nice.... So what did we pay for again?

2- I was checking out at the grocery store, when the assistant manager came over. The manager interrupted the sale to tell the guy that he couldn't ask for days off, only 3 days in advance, even if it was his birthday. This conversation went on for...not kidding...about 4 minutes while I stood there. I gave the manager a glare, and he got the kid working again. Then he stands around and the bagger is talking about who knows what while I bag my own stuff?!? I think the manager shouldn't wonder any more why his employees SUCK! It is probably because HE hired them!

I'll get off my soapbox now. It just ticks me off!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

AMEN to that!