Thursday, November 30, 2006

A Strange Family Trait

Have you ever been to a restaurant and been forgotten? I'm not talking about your whole table. I'm talking about just you. Unless you are my Aunt, I'm guessing the answer is most likely that it doesn't happen to you that often. I would say that at least 70% of the time that I go out to eat, I am in some way forgotten.

Here are examples I'm talking about:
1) Everyone Orders, They Pass Me Over, Or Forget Me At the End
2) Everyone Gets a Refill Except Me
3) Drinks are Served, and Somehow I'm the Only One Without One
4) When They Bring Food to Everyone Else I'm Asked "What did you get?"

Now this seems like something that you would say "Oh you are just complaining, this happens to everyone once in a while." Well- you would think, but Mr. Magoo has said on numerous occasions that he would have to agree. It happens more than would seem to be by chance. He has never seen anyone get skipped as much as I am.

I thought this WAS just me, but after bringing it up over breakfast one morning while in Evansville, I find out that my Aunt Mary also has a huge chance of not getting any food when she orders either. My Dad said that on one particular trip to Florida she didn't get food about 80% of the time. Now, I'm not sure when this trait got passed on to me, but I'm here to tell my Aunt she can have it back! LOL!


Anonymous said...

Just one of many traits I have shared with you. What a list there is!! Love Aunt M

Anonymous said...

She isn't lying! It ALWAYS happens to her!! EVERYTIME we're out it seems like some weird fluke happens and she doesn't get something. I do have to say, one time they brought me my poached egg without the that was weird but at least I had something to eat : )

Anonymous said...

I'd have commented earlier, but I skipped you.