Friday, November 17, 2006

Furniture Update

Things are going pretty smoothly so far. I'm sure something will happen, but at this point all is well. The first set of windows are up, and they are bringing in all of the furniture. Dale and Terry are getting all of the odds and ends together. It is interesting to see "HGTV" from the other end. ha ha! Ok, ok, we don't have HGTV here, but it does have that feel to it. Lots of action!! I'm hoping to get some pictures up later today. We shall see, since the network computer I use to download pictures is in the storage area now. Hopefully Mr. Magoo can get it up and running.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Our house feels like "HGTV" too. The only difference is that yours is DESIGNED FOR THE SEXES and ours is DESIGN ON A DIME. Good for you guys.....