Saturday, December 16, 2006

Christmas Party

Chicky Magoo 1 and Chicky Magoo 2 went to a party at their friends' house on Thursday night. They had a gift exchange and then Mike the Magician came and did a performance. They really LOVED it. Chicky Magoo 1 got so into it the magic act that she couldn't even sit still and was jumping up and down. Hailey thought it was all fun and games until he had a trick with a white board. He drew Santa and then the eyes started moving on their own. She wasn't too into it after that. Then he drew a mouth for Santa and it started talking. That was all she could take. She was in my arms and away from Mike the Magician the rest of the time!

After the magic show he did balloons for all of the kids. They got to pick out what they wanted him to construct out of balloons. Chicky Magoo 1 chose a pirate, complete with a parrot.Chicky Magoo 2 chose a candy cane and candy cane hat.

It was such a fun party! The magician really got the kids involved and they were each able to help with a trick. Chicky Magoo 1 was one of the first to volunteer of course! Chicky Magoo 2 didn't want to, mostly because of the "white board trick." The first one she and Mike did, he dressed her up in a "bakers costume" so she could help him make a snowman. They poured in water and "snow seeds" and out came a snowman.

Chicky Magoo 1 wanted to do another trick with the magician, so she went up again and helped with a bunny trick. The funny thing was that even though she was helping, she was just as amazed as she was while in the audience. Check out her face!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I want to be YOUNG again...They look like they are having a great time.