Friday, December 8, 2006

Chicky Magoo 1 Reads at Church

Chicky Magoo 1 got to read during the Mass today! She did a wonderful job, and of course "the press" was there to capture the whole thing. The Mass was for the Feast of the "Immaculate Connection" as Chicky Magoo 1 put it. Actually- I told Father yesterday that Chicky Magoo 1 called it this, and he thought it was great. He used her phrase for the Homily, which was fun. He said we are all connected to Mary, which is why we have the Feast. Since it was a Holy Day of Obligation, there were quite a few people there, which didn't seem to phase Chicky Magoo 1 at all!


Anonymous said...

Impressive--A New Public Speaker in the making.....Good Job Kaitlyn

Anonymous said...

She has always been a star - even in Church!