Saturday, December 16, 2006

Houses- A Magoo Tradition

It is a Magoo Family Tradition to put up these houses, and this year we were able to put them out at our house! Check out the pictures of the houses that Mr. Magoo's Grandpa made! The house and barn are 42 years old, and Papa and Bucia got them for their first Christmas together. The Church was made a few years later.

As the Magoo Tradition goes, the kids got to put out the people in the "scene." They had a really fun time putting all of the people and animals out, and as you can see, they thought everyone should be ice skating! :) It is fun to have them up at our house and pass the tradition on to the kids. I think it is something they will enjoy year after year. Mr. Magoo says he remembers all of the times he put them up as a kid, and how it was a big deal to him to place the people and animals around the houses.

The pictures are a little dark, but that room doesn't have a ton of light, so it was the best I could do.


Anonymous said...

GOOD JOB.....Grandpa would be proud.

Anonymous said...

Traditions are wonderful!