Saturday, December 30, 2006

Step, Step, Away....

For Christmas I got a pedometer. I have wanted one to know just how many steps I am taking during the day, and now I have the chance. After doing some research I found that you should be walking 10,000 steps a day for good exercise. Mr. Magoo and I put in our guesses on what our number would be and away I went. Apparently I didn't go too far. Sadly, I was WAY below the 10,000. Okay, so for those of you who know me this is not a really big surprise, but now I can actually see just how inactive I had become. The day after Christmas I logged a sad but true 2500 steps! Whoops! On average if you are considered inactive you have below 5000 steps.
Nice- so the day after Christmas I was below the "below average." For the first week I wanted to just see how many I got with what I typically do. Then I will take a little action to get the 10,000. Yesterday however I wasn't feeling well, BUT neither were the kids. So without trying, I logged my personal best... 10,217 steps. I've got it back on again today, and it's 10am, and I'm at 1540. I do like the stats of knowing approximately how far I walked in that day. Mr. Magoo was more shocked that I was, mostly because this meant that he too was logging around 2500 steps a day.

If you don't have a pedometer you should get one. I have a feeling that people have no idea (good or bad) how far they walk in a day. Hopefully I can reach the 10,000 again today. I think I have a chance since today we are taking down the rest of the Christmas stuff and getting my craft room organized.

PS Stacey, if you are reading this, I know, I should be exercising! :P


Anonymous said...

Maybe its defective:)

Anonymous said...

2500 steps! Oh no! Get steppin' sista! By year's end, I expect you to average at least 15,000 steps a day!

Happy New Year!