Tuesday, January 9, 2007

Christmas Eve

Every year we go to the Briscoe's on Christmas Eve and exchange gifts. This year Katie, Jack, Chicky Magoo 1 and Chicky Magoo 2 had fun together. If you somehow can't tell, it is naptime for 3/4 of them, and they are wired on sugar/sweets/Santa. We took about 50 pictures and this is the best one!

This series of pictures cracks me up. You can see the progression of "we don't want our picture taken!"

The older girls are trying to smile. Jack gives it a 1/2 smile. Chicky Magoo 2 saying "I don't want to smile"

Chicky Magoo 1- still smiling. Katie decides it is time to leave. Jack looking like he really can't believe he got talked into this. Chicky Magoo 2 refusing to smile.

Chicky Magoo 1 still trying to smile. Katie has been told to stay in the picture, but clearly is done with this activity. Jack wondering how he got talked into this. Chicky Magoo 2 showing how she will NOT smile!

Chicky Magoo 1 still smiling! Katie is leaving. Jack looking like "I told you this wouldn't work!" Chicky Magoo 2 now will NOT look at the camera, and showing that naptime has clearly passed!

Ahh- kids!


Anonymous said...

I love your play by play!

Anonymous said...

Aren't our children pefect and well-behaved? I think Katie, Jack & Hailey need to take a lesson from Kaitlyn. (I wonder what she was thinking behind that smile...) I'll send my pictures your way!! We loved seeing you guys!