Wednesday, January 17, 2007

EVV in Da Hiz-ous

Mr. Magoo has come up with a theory over the years that somehow people from Evansville are secretly trying to take over the world. He thinks this I can name someone that plays that I either went to high school with, or is from Evansville in pretty much every major sport. Evansville will be on the national news a decent amount of time for a town of its size, and there are also famous people that are from "The Ville" as we like to call it. Because of all of this, Mr. Magoo feels that Evansville should have a sign. Kind of like a secret handshake so that other people from Evansville know that you know they are helping to take over the world. Since he is into aviation, he came up with the EVV sign, which is the Evansville airport code. My Dad, Uncle Magoo 1 and Mr. Magoo decided to practice and flash it up! What is even more obvious to Mr. Magoo is that only my Dad seems to be able to make this sign. The other two look like they are trying to come up with an answer to some sort of math problem!

This second picture is even more of an indication that his sign might only work for people from The Ville...Mr. Magoo looks completely confused, Uncle Magoo 1 is holding tight with his 3 fingers up, and my Dad has obviously given up on teaching them. ha ha


Anonymous said...

You would think that two guys who went to Rose Hulman would be able to accomplish this, however, maybe living in the Haute has something to do with it, da! :)

Anonymous said...

Hey now, *I'M* the one that came up with the sign. It's not my fault that Carl was debating the proper way to make the two V's with me!

Anonymous said...


Just trying to drop a few secret EVV secret code words.

Anonymous said...

you forgot turoni's. thin crust pizza in da hizouse.

Anonymous said...

That's weak. In Miami we got the 305.



Anonymous said...

I knight thee.... Sir Beef!

Anonymous said...

Nice work Miami!

Anonymous said...
