Thursday, January 18, 2007

Sea Otters- Yet Another Random Entry

I know this post is going to be random, but it is about as random as it was for me to learn this, and I thought it was worth sharing. Sea Otters, which many people find cute, are pretty interesting creatures. Here are some facts that I found pretty cool about them. (I know Hawkins, they are no wombats, but hey, they can't ALL be wombats)

I knew that sea otters used a rock or something they find like it to crack open their food and eat. What I didn't know is that they usually pick a favorite rock and carry it with them all of the time. The rock is used not only for cracking open their food, but it also helps them dive down and get their food, because of the weight. Then they use the rock to dislodge anything that they want to eat.

I also found that basically the male and female otters do nothing more than tolerate each others presence during mating season, otherwise they don't hang around each other at all.

Once the female gives birth, the male will basically kidnap the pup and demand a ransom. (food) They get 1/3 of their food this way! I don't know if you are picturing this, but a note that each letter has been cut out of a magazine comes to mind.

They can eat a number of things in the sea, but each otter usually will pick one or two things that they prefer and stick with those. (sounds a lot like me!)

Sea otters sleep at sea, but tie themselves up in kelp to keep from being swept away. They also tie up their young in kelp if they have to dive down for food.

If they are going to sleep during the day they put their paws over their eyes.

Disclaimer: I don't claim to know what I'm talking about...these are just the facts as I see them.


Anonymous said...

Sea otters kick ass.

Anonymous said...

lesser known fact: sea otters are known as the "party animals of the sea." this can be explained by their seemingly playful behavior, but mostly attributed to their wild parties of binge drinking, drug abuse and loose women.

Anonymous said...

I always said "I Love Sea Otters". I want one for my BEST FRIEND.

Anonymous said...

Ok...the whole "rock" thing seems very human to me. How many men carry along a bottle opener on their keyrings just incase they come across a beer? Very similar in my eyes!