Thursday, November 2, 2006


We had a great time this year. The kids really got into it, and were both able to say "Trick or Treat."Chicky Magoo 1 went as Dora and Chicky Magoo 2 was Boots. Chicky Magoo 1 really wanted to be a princess (I know, you are all just shocked by this news!) but she said she would be Dora to complete the Dora theme. They got a lot of compliments on their outfits as they went from house to house. The picture on the right is one of my favorites...Chicky Magoo 1 has the Dora pose down (no-we didn't tell her to do that!) and Chicky Magoo 2 is yelling "Ooo ooo Ahh ahh!" like a monkey!

It was a little chilly once the sun was down.Chicky Magoo 2 wanted to go from house to house to house, but Chicky Magoo 1 was ready to head home after we went around the block. I'm sure it mostly had to do with the fact that Chicky Magoo 2 outfit was SUPER warm, and Chicky Magoo 1's wasn't. By the end we had to cover the outfit up with a coat, which she wasn't too fond of, but it was warmer.

Bucia and Papa dressed up as ghosts. They had planned on wearing these outfits for the entire evening. Their first mistake though was to use plastic instead of cloth for the main part of the costume. After 2 minutes both of them said "OH wait- there is a reason they tell you not to play in plastic bags! YOU CAN'T BREATH!" lol So- they took off the costumes and went as a cowboy and princess.

Glad to finally get some pictures up for you! (Chicky Magoo 1 took the picture of Mr. Magoo and me!)


Anonymous said...

Great pictures! The girls are too cute. I totally can believe that Kaitlyn did that pose by herself. How funny that Hailey wanted to keep's probably all the free SUGAR!! Her favorite!

Anonymous said...

those are awesome!!!! the first one is by far my favorite. hailey seems to be have a particularly good time.

Anonymous said...

Too Cute!!!