Monday, February 16, 2009

Are You Still Here?

Well- if you are still checking this blog after 8 months, kudos to you on your patience and persistence. I guess you figured that at some point I would probably be back to posting. I had thought about my blog a few times recently, and then sort of brushed it aside for Facebook for a while. I guess I liked the response on Facebook more than the blog. Blogging is like typing to "hear" yourself type sometimes. Often no on responds and you are left feeling like "is anyone reading this?" Anyway- it is therapeutic to me. So I'll try to get back into the groove again. Maybe I just ran out of things to say? Ha Ha Ha! Right- I know. (Insert peanut gallery comment here...)

We have recently gotten a new puppy. I have total mixed feeling about it, but then again, when is this not the case! Gizmo is okay with her. I don't really see BFF in their future, but you never know! If I see Gizmo buying 2 half heart necklaces and giving one half to Oreo, I'll let you know.

The kids are great! We haven't been in line this year to get the Guinness World Records for Most Time Spent In Time-Out, so that is a plus! I think they are growing up on me!! Either that or I am more oblivious! Either could be the case. :)

Well- here is hoping that you see another post in a few days. (but don't hold your breath)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I knew you'd be back!!