Saturday, February 21, 2009

Roll 'Em!

Last night I went with Auntie Magoo 1 to her Bunco night. The theme this month was "baby shower" for her. They play differently than what I was used to, but their way is MUCH easier!!! All you have to do is roll 6's. So Auntie Magoo 1 explains the rules: You try to get 21 points. Roll 1 six=1 pt. 2 six's=5 pts. 3 six's=Big Bunco! So I say to the ladies at my table "So all we do is roll 6's?" They say "Yep" The head table calls out "Roll 'Em" and the game starts. They let me roll first. The picture to the side is what I rolled! THAT'S RIGHT! I rolled 6's on the first ROLL! GAME OVER! And the taunting begins... We all cheered and I then got to wear the big bunco prize until someone else got it during another round. This months big bunco prize was a blue baby bib. I had a pretty good night of rolling. My partner was a HOOT! At the end of the night they give out prizes for the most number of Big Buncos, the most wins, the biggest loser, and then a door prize. I won the Big Bunco prize because I had two of those that night! Boo-ya! Love this game! :) Auntie Magoo got the least wins prize, so we both came home happy!

Auntie Magoo 1 got some cute stuff for the baby shower! Neat socks, blankets, slippers, towels, magazines and such for the hospital. My favorite card of the evening has to be this one!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

SO FUN!!! I couldn't believe that you rolled a Big Bunco on your first roll......hilarious! Or as your partner would say, "You put some stink on those dice!"