Thursday, February 19, 2009

How Old Am I?

Today I had to go to the podiatrist to get my orthotics. Yes- orthotics. That is a word I used to reserve for older women who had terrible feet. Until my feet started hurting!!! OUCH! I went in a few weeks ago to get that all check out. I went in and he said he would try to see if these would work. We tried a sort of "practice" one first, which seemed to help a little bit, but not totally. Also- he told me I was wearing exactly the wrong shoes and the wrong size shoes. Okay- now we are on to something! I can see that shoes that don't fit MIGHT hurt your feet. ha ha!

So after a few tries at different things, and the threat of a giant needle with cortizol, I opted for the orthotics. For those of you who don't know, you get a casting of your foot so that they can send it in to the incredibly overpriced company that presses some material together so they can call that a "device". That "device" then looks just like the insert you can get along with your tennis shoes already. Only in my case, I take out the insert I buy with my shoe, and put my fancy inserts in and strut around with that one in. Oh- Dr. Scholls- you have nothing on me!!

When I got the castings the Dr. says "OH- well I can see why you have trouble! Look at these?" Now mind you, "these" are castings of my feet. So basically he is saying "Look at your crappy feet!" ha ha! So he shows me that in fact it is a miracle in itself that I ever learned balance in the first place, because I don't even use my whole foot to walk on. Not because I like to walk this way, but because I have such high arches that they just don't touch the ground. Mr. Magoo has always commented on my arches, but mostly when we are at the beach and my "footprint" is nothing more than a heal and ball of my foot. (sometimes I get a sliver on the side to attach the two) If I lean though, I can get the side of my foot to make a print too! It wasn't until Mr. Magoo brought this up that I even noticed this was abnormal! Nothing like family to bring you back down from your "fancy foot cloud"! :P

Anyway- I did get to try the orthotics out today and it did feel different. They are much like contacts, in that you can't just go off and wear them. I get an hour today, two get the drift! But I'm not allowed to exercise in them for 2 weeks so I don't hurt my knees or back.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

(apparently I can only submit comments in Safari. weird.)

Happy birthday! I thought about getting you a walker for those crazy feet, but I think you'll like the new Mac better. :) Sorry I'm still sick!