Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Whew! One Big Laundry Pile!!!

Today my Mom and I did some serious laundry! Now to most people "doing laundry" means that the laundry is piled SO high that you have no clean clothes in the house. To me, that means that the CLEAN clothes have now piled so high the kids and Mr. Magoo have no idea where that other sock went so they can match up a pair! I don't know what the deal is, but my issue is not actually doing the laundry at ALL! In fact, I do about a load a day so that I keep up with all of the clothes. When the clothes reach the clean state, that is when I sort of lose all sense of focus. You sure would think that after years and years of training I would be able to walk a pair of socks or a clean shirt from the laundry room right into the closet. After all- it isn't like it is up or down stairs. No, it is just down the hall. Sounds easy doesn't it?!?

The worst part of laundry for me is seeing white clothes in the dryer ready to be folded. To me this means that inside that dryer awaits an insurmountable challenge. Find all matches of the socks and put them away. For some reason this is harder than any Sudoku puzzle I've ever attempted. Why can't all of the white socks make it to the same load??? There is always a leftover sock that I keep in hopes of running into its mate somewhere along the line of the laundry.

My wonderful Mom came over and helped me get it all in order again. I know now that the washer and dryer are grey. I had no idea. It had been too long. :P
It is SO nice to have it all done and I can start fresh! THANKS MOM!!!! :)


Andrea said...

Oh Sweets!!! I SOOOO feel your pain.... So totally feel your pain.....When there's a "white" load in the dryer....I pretend to have th "flu"...snort.

Anonymous said...

You're welcome! My pleasure. (It's a Mom thing.)