Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Hold That Church Up!

How do you turn an ordinary Easter into something to remember? Spend it with the Magoos! We went to my in-laws for the weekend and had a good time! Easter morning we were a little slow in getting ready for the 9:30 Mass. I figured when we left the house 5 minutes before time that there was no way we were getting a seat. So- we ended up standing in the back of Church with the other slow movers of the day. I was surprised to learn that when you are 4, standing for an hour is much preferred to sitting for an hour! When you are 34, sitting for an hour is much preferred to standing for an hour. But- we lucked out and the kids were really good in Church for us!

The family joke is that the past few times we have been to Church with my in-laws there is scaffolding! We tell my Mother-in-law that they are trying to hold up the walls for when she walks in. So I was only sort of surprised when we walked in to their beautiful Church only to be greeted by the ENTIRE Church (from front to back) with scaffolding! Now being the blogger that I am, and since we were standing in the back where Father and other parishioners were never going to see me, I had to snap a photo with my iPhone. Now of course trying to be discrete, I snapped it and tried to casually put the phone back away and just look like I was making sure that my phone was on vibrate and really looking out for others. But- Chicky Magoo 1 was quick to notice. She looked over at me and in a stern voice said "Mommy, what ARE you doing?" Umm- Oh no! I'd been caught. And by The ENFORCER no less! If there is anyone who is going to be quick to find out if a rule has been broken, it will be Chicky Magoo 1! We figure she will be the Attorney General one day. So- I just said "Taking a picture." as if that were a normal thing that we did every Easter Mass and she must somehow be confused that taking a photo was weird. I guess she was okay with it because she stopped the inquisition shortly after that.

For your viewing pleasure, this is what Easter Mass looked like to us! I am happy to report that the Church did not fall, and my Mother-in-law made it through the Mass.


Auntie Magoo said...

CM1 would totally try to bust you for that...haha busted!

Ms. Magoo said...

She is SO all about the rules!!!