Saturday, April 11, 2009

Home Stretch!

It has come to my attention that McDonalds may or may not be open tomorrow! ACK! What to do? I have to call and see if they are open and come up with a backup plan.

Well- I've almost made it through the ENTIRE Lenten season without one fry or one dip of ranch! That's right! It started off as an easier than expected chore for me. I had imagined sitting at home dreaming of my fries. Or solemnly passing McDonalds each day salivating! But alas, the first 3 weeks went by without any real problems. Then the 4th week came!!! Wow- did I want a fry. As for the ranch dip? Well- I had craftily decided to order honey mustard when I had a craving. And apparently for me, it doesn't matter the dip. Just that I have something to occupy myself with! But back to the fries... The last few weeks have been pretty hard. Okay, maybe torture is the right word. I have had the fry craving!!!! Last night the kids ordered some fries and I had to pass them back to them. I do admit to inhaling them as I passed them back. I realized then that I do have an addiction! :0 Too bad they don't have drugs for that one. So- only one more day til I can eat fries again, and since McDonalds has some of my favorite fries, you can bet that is where I'm going to be tomorrow afternoon! I just hope they are a good batch! I would hate to go there and get one of those batches where you think "why do I eat these things again?"

I do admit to thinking this morning, "What if I went longer? I bet I could do 6 months" I quickly squashed that thought with "Are you CRAZY? Settle down there with all of your thinking!" So tomorrow I dine.

1 comment:

uncle craig "golden arches" magoo said...

even if this link doesn't prove your mcdonalds is open, at least you know you're not the only one who asked the question :)