Sunday, April 5, 2009

Science Experiment

Last week Chicky Magoo 1 and I decided that we should do a science experiment since it was nice outside. We decided that we would make a volcano! I thought we had a few of the "ingredients" at home but had to make a few things work that we didn't have. One main thing was red food coloring. So who hasn't heard of a blue volcano?!? Maybe it was just SO hot that it was blue! Hmm- well let's just go with that anyway. Chicky Magoo 1 thought it was funny anyway, and enjoyed the experiment.

She is a HUGE science buff so this was fun for her to get to actually be the one to conduct the experiment. Afterwards we did a few "research questions" to see if she could figure out more of the whats and the whys. I explained why and then she looked at me and asked "Do volcanoes make CO2? Or is the lava CO2?" So of course I had to go from isn't this volcano experiment cool! to "It really is just called that because of the way it looks when it comes out. This isn't at all what happens when a volcano happens really. That is all from magma."

Guess we know she really is a little scientist. I was always told that in science, a good experiment will cause you to ask more questions rather than solve them all! Back to the scientific drawing board! I love that she loves science!

1 comment:

Bucia & Papa said...

You guys are much smarter than we were. We did this volcano stuff in the kitchen....what were we thinking.
Bucia & Papa