Saturday, April 11, 2009

Out For Medicine

Today Mr. Magoo and I took a trip to Walgreens to get some Claritin for Chicky Magoo 2. She seems to have a lingering cold, which usually means this will help fix it. SO- we walked into Walgreens and there are about 6 rows of Easter. They have cleverly "hid" the medicine in the back of the store so that no one needing it can find it. Now as we were walking in I thought that it might be a little hard if you were feeling bad to navigate your way to the medicine. But then as we were trying to find Claritin, Mr. Magoo noticed that Imodium is behind a locked door?!? Seriously? Imodium? Isn't this something that should be quickly gotten to? If you really need Imodium isn't quick really all you are thinking about? Who saunters to the counter and asks for the Imodium to be unlocked. Then waits for the cabinet to be opened. Then has time to get home before you would have already needed your meds????

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