Sunday, April 19, 2009

The Pampered Pet

Most of you know "The Giz" and her many talents. She is able to leap tall buildings in a single bound, she can add three digit numbers and can communicate through clicking. Well- maybe not all of those, but she can look cute, stay in the yard without a fence and the older she gets the more her vision of outside has expanded to carpeting.

On our recent three hour trip to the in-laws, she climbed into the car to get settled. This time she decided that the toy basket in the middle of the girls was the best fit for her. Luckily I had just put the kids blankets in the car, so she cleverly used it to snuggle. Good work Giz.

(The photo quality is pretty poor, since it was just with the phone while we were driving.)


Auntie Magoo said...

Gizmo is no dummy........she sees a cozy spot, no one else seems to be sitting there, why not take it??

Ms. Magoo said...

True! She also made us of the pillow that was there too. ha ha

Becky said...

Aw, Giz.

AAC said...

when she adds, does she use partial sums or the old way?

Ms. Magoo said...

She's so awesome, she can do New Math and the old way!