Saturday, April 25, 2009

Mary, Mary, How Does Your Garden Grow

This past week we decided it was time to get the garden going (finally!) I know for all of you gardening enthusiasts you are thinking "This should have been done a while ago. Don't you think?" Yes- we are aware of that. But like everything in our lives, we buck the trend and roll the dice even when no one else would. :P

This year the kids picked strawberries to plant. We thought it would be nice to grow something that probably all of us would eat. Chicky Magoo 2 is iffy on this one, but if we put sugar on a plate for her to dip it in, we have a chance of her eating it.

It took a while to dig up all of those weeds and then to figure out just what the weeds were, and what was an herb. They pretty much all look the same to me. We just went with the "if it has fuzzy prickly things on it, near the roots, it might be a weed" theme. After digging up the "weeds" and everything was ready to plant, we went to Home Depots (or as CM2 likes to point out THE Home Depot) garden to get the strawberry plants and found that one of the plants that we pulled was probably oregano. Oh well.


Mr. Magoo said...

At least we know we can grow giant man-eating chive plants!

suzanne said...

nice, let me know if you want some compost.

Becky said...

check out Chicky Magoo 1's glam outfit for gardening!