Monday, April 20, 2009

Sorry My Friends

Dear Reese's Pieces,

I apologize for forgetting just how good you are! I get confused by the M&Ms and their cartoon figures touting their wares in such a fancy way. They strut around and had confused me by taking on that round shape and thinking they are so good with their commercials and figurines. I had forgotten just how good the little peanut butter morsel is in the round chocolate coating. I will not be swayed again by the chocolate! I love you Reese's Pieces, but seriously, you should think about a new marketing strategy!

Your friend-
Mrs. Magoo


Auntie Magoo said...

E.T. phone home!

Diane Spotts said...

Nothing beats a bag of reeses pieces!!!

Ms. Magoo said...

You are the one who got me hooked on them again! YUM!!!